This face kills me!
It was a blast painting the pumpkins. Chase and Emmett had tons of fun. Anywho on with the weekend. Saturday we cleaned the house. It is really nice having someone else there to help, we get everything done in just over an hour! We planted some daffodils in my flower garden next to the tiger lilies. I hope it works out how I want in the spring or close to. I then took the 3 boys over to Mark's brother's house to hang out while I ran some errands and visited my mom. Once they were done playing I picked them up and we came home to make personal "funny face" pizzas. Emmett didn't really understand, but Chase thought it was a riot. We relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the evening.
Sunday we decided to skip Regional conference. Chase and Emmett both have little colds and we didn't want to deal with them wanting to run all over the place for that long. So we had a relaxing Sunday at home, I worked on Emmett's stocking(might have it done before November or in that first week). Mark watched football and the kids played. Then Mark and I sat down and played Mexican Train, then we let Chase play Mario Party with us. He thinks he is so cool and grown up. I made Lasagna Rolls for dinner, then we played Phase 10, had dessert, played Skipbo, helped the boys clean up the toys, get ready for bed, watched CSI Miami and went to bed ourselves. It was a nice family fun weekend! Should be a great week, with Halloween and all coming up. Chase and Emmett are excited to be super heroes, with Mark the cop(including cop-stash) and me the jailbird.
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