I had my doctors appointment today. I've lost some more weight, but the doctor is not concerned about it. I was overweight to begin with, so it's all good I guess. We did get to hear the heartbeat today! It sounded great! My BP is good. There wasn't much else to the appointment today. He did tell me that I can schedule the Ultrasound and we now have that set for August 28th in the morning. I hope that baby works with us so we know who it is, whether Lyla Rose or Joshua Glenn we can't wait! Chase was good during his ultrasound, I saw before the nurse pointed it out.
Morning sickness has gone, except if I don't eat within a certain time frame I start to cough and gag. I get dizzy spells and had a really bad one last week and needed Mark's help just to walk down the hall. I've felt a few flutters from the baby, but not much. Craving Chocolate like none other, and that is about it.
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