I've had some vaginal pressure and it's getting pretty bad. I can't roll over in bed or pick up my foot without pain. It is beyond annoying. I'm going in for a 3rd ultrasound on the 6th. My doctor wants to check my cervix. He also wants to check that the placenta has moved up to where it should be.
Other than that vaginal pain I really don't have any complaints. Yeah it hurts when Emmett is constantly pushing and stretching, and getting comfortable at bedtime or when sitting around the house is really hard, and I can't walk certain distances without getting extremely tired.. I love being pregnant. There is nothing like having a growing spirit inside you and feeling that little one move around and the growing bond.
I'm hoping to deliever vaginally. If I can't then I will never get that experience. I had Chase via C-section. No doctor would ever allow a vagianl delivery after 2 c-sections. I'd really like to have the experience of a vaginal, but we shall see what the Lord has planned for Emmett and me.
Chase is so excited to be a big brother. We bought him a book called "Big Brother". It talks about baby coming home and growing etc. He loves it! He knows who is in Mommy's belly and gives baby kisses all the time.
(Chase was Spiderman for Halloween and loves his costume and begs to wear it)
We still have some shopping to do before Emmett gets here. I'm grateful that we have almost everything already from when Chase was born. Biggest thing we need to get is a mattress, as Chase is using his on his toddler bed. We do need to get some warmer 0-3 mnth clothes as Chase was a summer baby.
We are very excited for Emmett and can't wait till he is here with us!
Wow congrats! You are getting so close and I am sure everyone is anxious.
You Look Great!!!!
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